About us

Most of TravelwritersUK’s members are established full-time professional journalists, authors, photographers, videographers, editors and bloggers, as well as some successful newcomers. All contribute to mainstream media, at professional rates of pay, which is a membership requirement.

The function of TravelwritersUK is to give individual travel media professionals a ‘shop window’ that can be seen free of charge by editors anywhere in the world. In addition, if work offers are sent to us, they are circulated to the membership.

Although a membership organisation, TravelwritersUK is not a charity. However, the cost of membership – open to those with a track record of published travel journalism – is kept low to encourage more writers and other journalists to join, on the basis that the more members it has, the more commissions it will generate, and the more useful it will be to each of the members.

TravelwritersUK was created by travel journalist and author Andrew Sanger in 2000 and transferred to Blackheath Business Solutions in 2017.


Travelwriters UK is only for professional travel writers, broadcasters, photographers and journalists who are British OR who live or work or specialise in the UK OR who are published in the UK.

Travelwriters UK exists to facilitate the working lives of travel editors, journalists, writers, photographers and broadcasters.

Travelwriters UK discourages any journalism undertaken for lower-than-market-rate fees, and membership is open only to those who have a track record of publication paid for at typical market rates.

Email or website addresses given for display on the Travelwriters UK website, and for us to contact you on Travelwriters UK business, will be used only for those purposes.

No information at all about Travelwriters UK members, other than what is displayed on the website, will be passed on to any other person or organisation for any purpose whatever, unless at the member’s express request.

Travelwriters UK has no political affiliation or viewpoint and will not knowingly link to any website which promotes a political viewpoint.


Email or website addresses given to TravelwritersUK to display on the TravelwritersUK website, and to enable us to contact members on TravelwritersUK business, will only be used for those purposes.

No information at all about TravelwritersUK members, other than what is already openly displayed on the website, will be passed on to any other person or organisation for any purpose whatever, unless at the member’s express request.

We are powerless to prevent third parties harvesting email addresses displayed on our site, but on request from a TravelwritersUK member we will willingly remove their email address from the site, or display it without a live link, or replace it with some other form of contact information as preferred.

TravelwritersUK does not place cookies on the computers of visitors to our website, and do not attempt to gather any information at all about visitors to the site except their total numbers.


TravelwritersUK makes independent checks  to verify that members are bona fide travel journalists, writers, photographers etc  and to ensure that all information given on the website is true, but cannot endorse a member’s claim to be an expert in any field or to have specialist knowledge.

© TravelwritersUK and contributors 2000-2022